Win Big with Immersal SDK at the VR & AR Awards!

Win Big with Immersal SDK! - 7,000€ cash prize pool!

If you've worked with or tinkered with AR Development or AR features for your game, now's a great chance to cash in on the Immersal AR Award!

Participation is simple:
- Implement Immersal's AR SDK into your game or project as you see best. All kinds of creative approaches are welcome!
- Submit your game or project into current GDWC Season
- During submission select the checkbox for using Immersal SDK
- Act Fast - Submissions close at the end of June!

Best 3 projects AWESOME prizes:
- Winner gets 5,000€ cash prize!
- 2 runner-ups get 1,000€ cash prize each!

Check out details on the VR & AR Awards category page!

Get Immersal SDK here!

Immersal - AR tech to Empower People

Imm­er­sal devel­ops AR tech that empow­ers peo­ple to merge dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal real­i­ties with Spa­tial Map­ping and Visu­al Positioning.

Build immer­sive AR envi­ron­ments where dig­i­tal worlds merge with the real one. Trans­form how peo­ple work, play, shop, and inter­act with the world around them.
Immersal SDK allows you to build centimeter-accurate, persistent multiuser AR applications that can be used on AR-capable mobile devices and with AR-glasses.

Gamify any space or place, deepening engagement, adding value and sparking joy along the way. Add fun AR layers, multiplayer interactive elements, contests, ad campaign mechanisms, and more.

Learn more about Immersal here

Implement Immersal SDK into your project and win 5,000 € cash prize at the Immersal AR Award! Submit your game before end of June!
