GDWC 2025 Summer Season Open for Submissions!
Summer Season is now open for submissions! Submit your game here.
Submission deadline is May 31st 2025, 23:59:59 EEST / UTC+3
Games still in development and games released after May 31st 2024 can be submitted to the Championship!
We're kicking this season off with two awesome categories presented with our awesome partners: Best Discord Game Award presented with Discord & Proceduralism Award presented with Houdini
All our traditional categories are also back: Best Indie Game, Best Studio Game, Best Hobby Game, Best Mobile Game, and Best Student Game!

Best Discord Game Award - Win $5000!
We are super excited to present this awesome new category with Discord!
To participate in this category your game must use the Discord Embedded App SDK and be submitted into the Discord App Directory. This is perfect if you're looking to create a social multiplayer game or engaging experience!
Discord Activities
With Discord Activities you can build games and shared experiences that friends can play directly within Discord channels and DMs—all through an iframe. Using the Embedded App SDK, you can create rich, immersive Activities that live right inside Discord, reaching millions of potential users.
Your Activity will be discoverable in chat, the Discord App Directory, and App Launcher across all devices, with no installation required for users to start enjoying your game. Best of all, you can monetize and promote your Activity directly within Discord.
$5,000 USD for the category winner and featured placement on one or more of Discord's discovery surfaces (for example, Discord App Directory, Discord App Launcher, etc.).
Submit your game to Best Discord Game Award

Proceduralism Award
Proceduralism Award returns to all of you procedural generation pros! Presented once again with our long-standing partner Houdini!
Procedural Generation
As game developers, many of you have certainly faced the growing demand of building huge immersive worlds and crafting vast amounts of content. To achieve your goals while staying within deadlines and budget, and without sacrificing gameplay procedural generation is in many of yours' toolbox or will at some point end up in there.
Houdini celebrates procedural generation with us by rewarding your best games that use procedural generation done with any tools: Houdini itself, 3rd parties, and your self-made solutions.
There's also additional bonus prize for Best Use of Houdini!
Winners take home Houdini Core Licenses to help boost your procedural workflows to the next level!
Submit your game to Proceduralism Award