Win 1-on-1 Publisher Pitching Opportunity in the new Most Promising Game category!
We are introducing a brand new category, the Most Promising Game, in collaboration with Go Testify.
Go Testify is bringing great opportunity boosts as rewards to this category:
- The Top 3 games will win 1-on-1 pitching meetings with up to 3 publishers!
- All Top 10 games in the category will win $1,500 playtesting from Go Testify
- All Top 20 games will get exposure in Go Testify's network of publisher game scouts
To participate in the Most Promising Game category, your game must be made for PC, it must be currently in active development, and it cannot release before September 2025.
You must also run a FREE (or paid, your choice) playtest of at least 10 people with 30 minutes playtime each with Go Testify for your game. These testing results will be used as a part of the review scores for this category. So make sure your game puts it's best face forward!
Go Testify is also offering all GDWC Participants a 10% discount on their services. Grab your discount coupon from your profile page.
Find out all category details and instructions on how to participate in the category page here.