Exodus of Souls

Game info

Exodus of Souls is an action-adventure RPG game. We can give some games like: "Assassin's Creed, Shadow of War, Shadow of Mordor, Elden Ring" as examples of this genre.

The unique game mechanic which separates EoS from the other games is "soul summoning". During the game, the player kills the enemies and collects their souls while upgrading the sword. Later, he can summon a stronger soul to fight instead of him or he can recall a souls army to co-fight with him.
We are also turning our strong story into an advantage and as we don't need open-world, we are making ultra-detailed and realistic environment and rendering for an RPG game with satisfying animations.

Commercial:Game is Paid, Microtransactions / other In-App Purchases
Genres: Action, Adventure, Role Playing
Players: Single player, Co-Operative
Themes:Medieval, Historical
Platforms: PC
Platforms: Windows
Status: Prototype, 2022
Platforms: Playstation 5
Status: Prototype, 2023
Game Link: exodusofsouls.com
Trailers: youtube.com

FXFX Studios

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