Katto: Rising Tides

Game info

Katto: Rising Tides is a funny and dynamic platformer game! Enter the kingdom of Egatlea, face terrible Nari enemies, move and jump between floors and obstacles, and do your best to restore peace for your kingdom.

In the ancient kingdom of Egatlea, the Felyn lived in peace under the protection of Kathsa, the feline deity. To invoke her in case of danger, Kathsa had given five gems to each of the five cities of the kingdom: Kathse, Macska, Qattus, Catlantis, and Cathenas. These gems symbolized unity and mutual dependence between cities.

However, one day, the Nari, inhabitants of the vast ocean that surrounded the kingdom, emerged with a powerful army and surprised the Felyn, usurping the temples of the five cities and seizing the five gems. With the loss of the gems, the cities were in danger of being wholly conquered.

The deity Kathsa chose the protagonist, Katto, as the bearer destined to recover the gems and restore peace to the kingdom. Even though the gems' protectors had fallen prisoner to the Nari, Katto demonstrated skill by infiltrating the temples, fighting off the invaders, and recovering the stolen gems.

Now, with the five gems in the hands of the Nari, Katto must fight to recover them and gather them in the ancient amulet to summon Kathsa and receive her help to expel the invading Nari and restore peace to the kingdom of Egatlea.

Commercial:Game is Free
Genres: Adventure, Platformer, 3D Platformer
Players: Single player
Platforms: PC
Platforms: Windows
Status: Released, 2024
Game Link: store.steampowered.com
Trailers: youtube.com

ESAT - Arcadia Games

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Team Page:kattorisingtides

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