Machine Match

Game info

Welcome, Pilots, to Machine Match: Mini-Mechs!
In the not-so-distant future, mega-corporations hold sway, shaping a world where warfare is a vibrant spectacle of miniaturized chaos.
A top-down shooter designed for up to 4 players.

Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of mechanized combat as you craft one-of-a-kind mini-mechs with unique designs and evolving personalities. These formidable creations will engage in intense battles on stunning dioramas against rival players.

Step into a realm where creativity meets warfare, shaping a colorful arena where the destiny of your mini-mech lies in your hands. In this miniature battleground, fun and competition collide in a whirlwind of guns, explosions, and relentless excitement.
Are you ready to build, battle, and emerge victorious in this adrenaline-pumping arena?


We aim to make Machine Match a well-balanced game that falls somewhere between a 'traditional' mech simulator and easy-to-jump-into action shooters/brawl game. Building and customizations will be easy to get into but will also offer fun to the more seasoned player by allowing them to discover new and surprising builds. The battles between machines should be fun to watch and incredibly fun and easy to play.

In the final version of Machine Match, we plan to offer:

- Heaps of customizable weapons with lots of combination options
- Lots of unique models, decals, and textures to customize your machines
- A wide array of beautiful maps to battle on
- Machines that feature dialogue with unique personalities

We are eager to receive feedback, suggestions, or just thoughts on what the most fun mech game needs to have!

Commercial:Game is Paid
Genres: Action, Shooter, Mech, Top-Down Shooter, Customization, Fast-Paced
Players: Single player, Online multiplayer, Local multiplayer, Co-Operative, Player vs Player, Player vs Bots, Competitive, Real-Time Multiplayer
Platforms: PC
Platforms: Windows
Status: Unreleased, 2026
Game Link:

Corner Studio Games

Driven by the core values "Fun. Accessible. Competitive.," our small studio is on a mission to transform the hardcore mech sim genre, making it more accessible and appealing to a broader audience.

Team Page:cornerstudiogames

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