This Bed We Made

Game info

This Bed We Made is a third-person mystery game in which you play as a maid in a 1950s hotel and snoop around strangers' rooms to uncover their deadly secrets. Discover what links guests together in this tale of love, heartbreak and murder!

This Bed We Made draws on neo-noir films, 1950s pulp fiction novels and a legacy of beloved narrative games to tell the story of Sophie Roy, a maid employed at the Clarington Hotel in Montreal. The game is set in the 1950s, which recontextualizes a period that did not encourage individuality. As Sophie discovers people and lifestyles that are usually kept secret, the game brings to light the lived experiences of people that are traditionally unheard of in period pieces. In many ways, the player will feel like they are stepping into an Alfred Hitchcock movie, with the familiar sights, sounds, and settings usually associated with popular media set during this time - but This Bed We Made shifts the point of view, offering a slightly different perspective than what we're used to seeing.

Sophie's unique access to the Clarington's rooms allows for an in-depth exploration of the hotel. As she investigates, she'll become privy to the private lives of a colourful cast of hotel guests, putting together their stories and secrets through their belongings and the ways in which they occupy the liminal space of their hotel rooms.

An unsettling mystery soon comes to light, with the Clarington as its stage. Sophie will have to make important choices that can significantly alter the trajectory of the story through the game's branching narrative framework. The player will have to investigate every possible lead and solve puzzles, all while exercising a certain amount of discretion. There will be no shortage of messes to clean up, but caution is advised! A spotless room could let the wrong people know where Sophie - and the player - has been.

Sophie can also team up with a colleague of her choice at the Clarington as they join forces to get ahead of the mystery unfolding before them. Each colleague brings a different perspective to the investigation, and together they will experience a day unlike any other in the hotel's history. And, if Sophie plays her cards right, they might emerge from this experience as more than just colleagues!

With meaningful choices to be made that can drastically affect the fates of Sophie and everyone around her, This Bed We Made offers an experience that highlights freedom of choice against a strong, purposeful narrative. What will your investigation yield?

Commercial:Game is Paid
Genres: Adventure, Interactive Fiction, Puzzle, Visual Novel, Mystery
Players: Single player
Themes:Historical, 1950s
Platforms: PC
Platforms: Windows
Status: Released, 2023
Platforms: Playstation 5, Xbox Series, Playstation 4
Status: Released, 2023
Game Link:

Lowbirth Games

Lowbirth Games is an indie studio from Montreal that brings together ambitious, young recruits from a variety of disciplines and industry veterans to create narrative video games with daring stories and atypical characters.

Team Page:lowbirthgames

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