Morse Mania

Game info

Transmit a message over a telegraph wire in Morse Code as fast and accurately as you can before time runs out! The faster you tap out the message, the more money you make!

Transmit a message over a telegraph wire in Morse Code as fast and accurately as you can before time runs out! The faster you tap out the message, the more money you make!

The message is being dictated to you to transmit via a series of letters falling on the screen. Each letter has to be transmitted by tapping out the appropriate duration to create the dits and dahs for each letter in the message. If a letter falls off the screen, don't worry - it will come back around.

Timing is key as you tap out dits and dahs to transmit each letter of the message. Don't forget to pause slightly between each letter. That's how it was done in the 1800s. That's how you need to do it now.

The game has two modes: Easy mode shows the dits and dahs under each letter as it falls. Turning easy mode off removes the hints - testing your true knowledge of Morse Code.

The first message transmitted via telegraphon May 24, 1844 from Morse to his assistant. Your first task is to tap out that original message. There are fun facts - and easter eggs - at the end of each phrase.

Commercial:Game is Free
Genres: Puzzle
Players: Single player
Platforms: Browser
Status: Released, 2023
Game Link:

Thom Craver Games

Professor and game developer for fun and learning. Passing on my experiences to anyone with the desire to learn.

Team Page:thomdotcom

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