Power Slaves

Game info

You're a droid with 20 seconds of battery left in this world's shortest metroidvania. What will you do with yourself? Hibernate your body? Sell yourself into slavery? Transcend? Or will you simply run out of power?

"The world's power sources have been all but depleted. To survive you have to fight for what limited resources you can find."

In a world where electricity is at a price beyond comprehension, where droids like you have to steal and scrap together whatever they find - if they don't want to work endless hours as slaves - you find yourself with 20 seconds of battery power left. How will you spend them? Will you destroy yourself? Will you hibernate yourself? Will you try to escape? Or will you simply run out of power?

Commercial:Game is Free
Genres: Adventure, Platformer, Metroidvania
Players: Single player
Themes:Sci-Fi, Dystopian
Platforms: PC
Platforms: Windows, Opera GX
Status: Released, 2022
Status: Released, 2022
Game Link: 89o.itch.io
Trailers: youtu.be

89o's Games

Hi! I'm 89o, a solo game developer for over 5 years. My goal is to show people that video games are the artform of the 21st century. I have made tons of game jam games and a few commercial projects, such as 1000-BIT, 1-DC, Crystal Ninja and SKYFALL.

Team Page:89o

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