Kinda Brave Publishing

Kinda Brave Publishing Pipeline

GDWC and Kinda Brave Entertainment in collaboration present indie game developers with a new opportunity for getting a game published!

Kinda Brave Entertainment is dedicated to championing the unsung heroes of game development world - microgame creators. They specialize in delivering top-notch, pocket-friendly experiences catering to all, and aim to uncover the uncharted territories hiding behind and between established game genres, serving gamers with fresh one-of-a-kind experiences.

What is the Publishing Pipeline?

You can submit a game added to GDWC for Kinda Brave Entertainment for consideration via the Publishing Pipeline.

GDWC works closely with Kinda Brave Entertainment with the goal of helping great new indie teams get their game published.

All games submitted to the Publishing Pipeline are reviewed for publishing consideration.

Publishing Pipeline has no effect on the Championship. You can also submit your game to the current GDWC Season. Kinda Brave Entertainment and GDWC present Innovation Award category for GDWC 2024 Summer Season to highlight most innovative new games.

What Kinda Brave is looking for?

  • Micro Games made by Micro Studios!
  • Teams with 1 to 4 full-time developers (Part-time staff or outsourcing can be added when needed.)
  • Games with roughly 6-12 months of production time left.
  • Games targeting PC & Steam first.
  • Games that offer unique experiences mixing popular mechanics and/or genres in exciting new ways!
  • Focus on games with systemic, emergent, and procedural elements, offering lots of replayability. (No linear or narrative-focused experiences.)
  • Favoring games with modular structures which allow expanding the game world if needed.
  • Game must have clear full game loop.
  • Developer must have a prototype that clearly showcases the game loop and main hooks.

What does Kinda Brave offer to developers?

  • Full Publishing support during the production of the game and beyond: Production, Marketing, PR, Release Management, QA, Playtesting, Localization*, Platform Porting*, etc. (*When relevant for selected projects, based on analysis of main platform results)
  • A team of international experts in Publishing with decades of experience in Indie and AAA games, as well as high-level industry contacts.
  • Access to the Kinda Brave Developer Community, and access to Senior Developers in Kinda Brave's internal studios, who will be available for consulting, mentoring, etc. in all areas of game development.
  • Full funding for salaries during the entire game production for all team members.
  • Budget available for outsourcing needs when relevant for the project (Art, Audio, Programming, etc.)
  • Budget available for direct marketing spend, Localization, top external QA partners etc. when relevant for the project.
  • Dynamic revenue split terms that ensure that the developer starts receiving revenue right from the start and that they get increasingly better revenue split terms the better the game performs.
  • IP ownership stays with the game development team! All Kinda Brave requires, is a right to exploit the IP for a limited amount of time during launch and a fair post-launch period.

How do I submit my game?

  1. Register a free account with GDWC and add your Team.
  2. Submit your Game to GDWC. You can either submit your game to compete in the current GDWC Season, or you can add your game without participating in the Championship.
  3. Fill out the Kinda Brave Publishing Pipeline form.
  4. That's it!

Kinda Brave Publishing Pipeline is currently closed for submissions.
Stay tuned for the next opening!

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