World Turtles by South African solo developer Re: cOg Mission has won the Fan Favorite voting round 21 at GDWC 2021! Congrats to the Winner!
"A wholesome strategy game where you help Meeps save the life of the World Turtle they live on. Construct buildings, harvest resources, allocate and prioritise tasks, research and develop, and cooperate with other Meeps. And who knows? You may even meet others from different worlds."

2nd Place went to 63 Little Pieces by Samuel Sousa from Portugal
"63 Little Pieces is an atmospheric block sliding puzzle game with an emotional narrative. Shoot and destroy walls in order to build paths towards the goal. Unflatten the world through a 2.5D point of view or restrict to a black & white perception. Collect the keys to open up what lies locked and shattered inside. Will you be able to piece it back together?"

3rd Place was taken by Through the Nightmares by SandmanTeam from Ukraine
"Through the Nightmares — is the atmospheric hardcore action-platform game in low-poly style about wondering through children's nightmares. Help the Sandman to save the children, claiming all their fears!"
Rest of the Nominees (in alphabetical order)
Deichgraf by Acid Mines Software (Germany)
No Honour Among Thieves by Tris Ravens (Australia)
Prince of Wallachia by SP Games (Moldova)
Rising Noracam by Rusimitu Games ()
Until the Last Plane by Carlo (Italy)
Zack Escape by Juan Ruiz Portugal (Bolivia)